Deze opleiding

The Master's programme in Human Geography is a geopolitical study which explores how individual human behaviour, nations, countries and the spatial environment interact with each other.


typeregulier, 60 EC
start1 september
taalvolledig Engels
opleidingsduur12 maanden voltijd
numerus fixusnee
Human Geography focuses on the study of the spatial behaviour of people, firms and organisations.

You choose a specialisation within the programme that determines the courses in the first semester. You will graduate in this specialisation in the second semester. We offer six specialisations:
  • Conflicts, Territories and Identities
  • Cultural Geography and Tourism
  • Economic Geography
  • Europe: Borders, Identities and Governance
  • Globalisation, Migration and Development
  • Urban and Cultural Geography

The Master's thesis research plays a key role in the programme. You can follow elective courses which are essential for your thesis research and which contribute to the specialisation of your choice. Also, you have the possibility to combine your research with an internship. So, within the master specialisations, you can tailor the programme to your personal interests!

The Master's programme can also be conducted in dual mode (studying next to working in the human geographic profession).
Deze opleiding heeft meerdere vormen :

Waarom aan de Radboud Universiteit?

awardElsevier beste opleiding
The programme takes an emancipatory approach to the field of Human Geography, meaning that we engage with the less privileged in society. We also take a theoretical approach to this field while never losing sight of the social relevance of what we are studying. The programme focuses as much on mainstream theory as on alternative ones. This will help you develop an academic attitude that allows you to be critical of both as well as staying critical when it comes to your own views and findings.


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opbouwThe Master's programme in Human Geography is taught at the Nijmegen School of Management. It has a course load of 60 EC (one-year). All the courses are 6 EC and the Master's thesis is 24 EC. You choose one of our six specialisations.
In the first semester students will follow courses which fit with their specialisation. In the second semester students work on their Master's thesis. During the Master there are several electives to choose from.
keuzevak stage


specialisatie Globalisation, migration and development

In Globalisation, Migration and Development you will study aspects of globalisation as related to socio-economic and spatial developments in different parts of the world, and the so-called Global South in particular. This implies a focus on: emerging social and spatial inequalities, resultant processes of social exclusion, but also emancipation; the nature and impact of migration; the role of resource demands for governance, etc. As these topics can be studied in different contexts we focus on urban and rural contexts, and the relation between these two domains. Beyond the thematic courses you will also follow courses giving insight in major theoretical debates in human geography, and courses which equip you with methodological and analytical skills. Thereby you will also be able to set up and conduct an own master thesis in which you research a topic that has your interest.

This specialisation helps to prepare you for a career as a policymaker, practitioner, researcher and/or lecturer, whether in The Netherlands, the EU, or elsewhere in the world.

The Master's in Globalisation, Migration and Development is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Human Geography.

specialisatie Urban and cultural geography

Cities are the vibrant and dynamic focal points of today's society. These diverse agglomerations of people, companies and organisations are both locations for innovation and for conflict. Cities are regarded as creative places as well as conflictual places for divergent communities. In this master specialisation you will study how different actors influence the physical form of cities but also the way in which they present and understand the character and identity of cities and how they make use of the typical urban environment in their daily activities. They create and make cities!

In this master specialisation, we focus especially on the different aspects of culture as a motor for urban development. We do so by engaging practically with cities at home and abroad through empirical research.

This qualifies you for jobs like city-manager, city marketeer, city planner, integration agent, city-network manager, etc.

The Master's in Urban and Cultural Geography is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Human Geography.

specialisatie Europe: governance, borders and identities

Rather than withering away under the impact of globalisation, borders have become privileged sites for investigating the transformation of European governance, sovereignty, territory and identit(ies). We focus on b/ordering processes occurring within Europe's internal cross-border regions, taking into account the context of shifts in state sovereignty, territoriality, and cultural identity in Europe's borderlands. Courses will also train attention on the external bordering dimension of the European Union, while also addressing the EU's search for a broader role in the world. Themes raised are e.g.: cross-border governance, transnational and multi-level governance, European citizenship and 'cosmopolitical' identit(ies), critical border geopolitics, and the 'ethical' dimension to European borders.

Students will be able to apply the scientific insights and practical skills to topics as Europeanisation, internationalisation, borders, identities, cross-border governance and international cooperation and politics.

The Master's in Europe: Borders Identity and Governance is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Human Geography.

specialisatie Conflicts, Territories, and Identities

This unique programme combines political geography with conflict management. You will study (inter)national conflicts, war and terrorism. We will focus on the backgrounds, contexts, sources and territorial aspects - imperialism, geopolitics, failing states, religions, (national) identities, discrimination, resources, borders - and the management and resolution - good governance, border management, humanitarian aid, development aid, diplomacy, peace operations. You will become familiar with the political and social construction of conflicts, territories and identities, as well as with the theory and practice of (inter)national conflict management. You will study these in theory but also in practice at the hot-spots of current conflicts.

As a graduate you qualify for jobs in journalism, research, civil, international relations, security sector, defence -, international organisations and non-governmental organisations as well as research.

The Master's in Conflicts, Territories and Identities is a specialisation of the Master's programme in Human Geography in collaboration with the Centre for International Conflict Analysis & Management (CICAM).


In this specialisation you will learn to understand and interpret advanced theories and practices of leisure and tourism and their influence on the social, cultural and physical environment.

Tourism is based on the cultural appreciation and value of the cities and landscapes tourists visit. Tourism also has a major economic, social and environmental impact on places and regions. This Master's specialisation allows you to understand the processes involved and how to use them in practice. In this specialisation you will mainly learn to understand and interpret advanced theories and practices of leisure and tourism and their influence on the social and physical environment. Since tourism is mainly about experiencing places and events, you will learn to understand where these experiences come from, what effects they have and how they can be influenced.

The Master's is offered in cooperation with Wageningen University. You will follow 4 specialisation courses and 2 elective courses (both in Nijmegen and Wageningen), after which you can specialise further in your Master's thesis.

After graduation, you can be employed in a wide range of jobs, such as city planner, region marketeer, policy maker, cultural planner or consultant. Both in and outside the Netherlands.


taal van onderwijs100% en
case studies, computer opdrachten, CAD/CAM, ontwerpproject, excursie, spelontwikkeling, groepsopdracht, groepsdiscussie, individuele opdracht, integratie module, stage, hoorcollege, literatuurstudie, onderzoek, onderzoeksproject, onderzoeksvoorstel, mondelinge presentatie, portfolio, practicum, project, zelf-evaluatie, zelfstudie, seminar, werkcollege, werkgroep, workshop
studeren in het buitenland
When choosing an international oriented specialisation, we advice you to follow an internship abroad.

Toelating en kosten


In order to get admission to this Master's you will need a completed Bachelor's degree from a geography related discipline, such as Urban/Spatial Planning, Environmental Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, etc.

Unless the requirements at are met, a language test is required:
A TOEFL score of ≥90, with subscores not lower than 18;
A IELTS score of ≥6.5, with subscores not lower than 6.0;
Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English (CAE) or Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) with a mark of C or higher.

inbegrepen in collegegeld
registration fee

De stad


Mundus is de studievereniging voor studenten Geografie, Planologie en Milieu in Nijmegen. Je kunt vanwege het economische voordeel van de boekenkorting lid worden van Mundus, maar onze vereniging heeft nog veel meer te bieden.
Onze enthousiaste actieve leden dragen bij aan de organisatie van diverse leuke activiteiten voor alle Mundusleden en andere geïnteresseerden. Je staat vrij om zelf dingen te organiseren of eraan mee te doen.

Regelmatig organiseren wij lezingen op onverwachte locaties in Nederland, excursies naar leuke steden of gewoon een dagje 'even helemaal weg'. Ook is er natuurlijk de jaarlijkse buitenlandse Mundusreis, die altijd een goede mix is van vakinhoudelijkheid, vakantiegevoel en veel lol.

Maar Mundus doet nog meer. Tijdens onze contactdag kom je, als voorbereiding op het toekomstige werkveld, in contact met sociaal geografen, planologen en millieukundigen uit de beroepspraktijk. Daarnaast is er de nu al legendarische Borrelende Kennis Quiz, waarbij studenten en docenten van de sectie het opnemen tegen andere teams van GPM. Naast studiegerelateerde activiteiten brengt Mundus natuurlijk ook ontspanning door feesten, borrels of een barbecue, waardoor je je medestudenten op een andere manier leert kennen. Elk jaar organiseert Mundus het Nationaal Geografisch en Planologisch Symposium, in samenwerking met andere studieverenigingen uit Amsterdam, Utrecht, Groningen en Wageningen. Wil je meer weten over Mundus? Wil je lid worden of zelf iets organiseren? Dan ben je van harte welkom in de pauze, elke middag tussen 12.30 uur en 13.30 uur, op onze kamer in de Thomas van Aquinostraat 5.0.04.


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1/7 Radboud Universiteit
Human geography
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
2/7 Radboud Universiteit
Globalisation, Migration and Development
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
3/7 Radboud Universiteit
New Economic Geographies, Ecologies and Business Innovation
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
4/7 Radboud Universiteit
Cultural Geography and Tourism
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
5/7 Radboud Universiteit
Borders, Identities and Governance
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
6/7 Radboud Universiteit
Conflicts, Territories and Identities
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
7/7 Radboud Universiteit
Urban and Cultural Geography
star Elsevier
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
8 eerstejaars
50% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Na de studie

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Our Human Geography graduates are greatly valued by their employers for their analytical skills, critical perspective and sound academic understanding of the relationship between human activities and their spatial environment. The career prospects for the Master's programme in Human Geography differ slightly, depending on which Master's specialisation you choose.

Beroepsperspectief / arbeidsmarkt

There is a great demand for students of Human Geography. After all, the spatial planning and geography of the Netherlands is changing constantly. New problems continually emerge that require responsible geography solutions. Some of the former students work for the government (municipalities, provinces, national government, water boards). In that case, you work with aspects such as regional transport, policy development for urban nodes, transnational water management for polders and rivers.

aansluitende masteropleidingen

UULeraar VHO aardrijkskunde full-time,part-time educationalgeen aanvullende eisen

Potentiële beroepen

bron: StudieData


T: 024-3612345
Drs. Jackie van de Walle


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