1/30 RUG
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
  • You will learn from state-of-the-art research articles and use various tools and methodologies to study and propose solutions to a wide range of societal problems.
2/30 RUG
DDM Economics and Economic Analysis
€ 303 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
  • You can earn two Master's degrees by studying in Groningen and at a top university abroad - Universidad de Chile in only 18 months. You will learn to add a comparative perspective to economic topics.
  • You will learn from state-of-the-art research articles and use various tools and methodologies to study and propose solutions to a wide range of societal problems.
3/30 Radboud Universiteit
Corporate Finance and Control
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
17 eerstejaars
64% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
Students not only acquire the traditional body of knowledge in multinational corporate finance, but also learn how control systems, culture, and institutions affect managerial behaviour, which is often driven by personal preferences. This focus is special to the programme in Nijmegen and equips students to understand the human component in managerial decision making and economic behaviour. The programme applies academic concepts in real-world situations.
4/30 Radboud Universiteit
Economics, Behaviour and Policy
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
17 eerstejaars
64% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
Students participate in a state-of-the-art Master's programme and are exposed to the most recent academic and practical developments in Economics, Behaviour and Policy. In addition to the standard economics package, a broad perspective on economics is offered. In this way, your perspective on economic policy, and how to make it more effective, will be expanded by knowledge from disciplines that include psychology, public choice and sociology.
5/30 Radboud Universiteit
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
17 eerstejaars
64% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
Radboud University challenges you to look at Economics differently and to discover that within all specialisations this field is much more than money, markets and regulations. Economists also examine consumers', businesses' and governmental financial behaviour and decision-making. Because their reasoning is not always rational, it's important to have a clear understanding of thought processes.
6/30 Radboud Universiteit
Financial Economics
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
17 eerstejaars
64% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
Radboud University offers 'Economics Plus'. Traditional economic models and business approaches are expanded with relevant knowledge from related disciplines such as psychology, teaching more in-depth knowledge that can be applied in today's globalised world.
7/30 Radboud Universiteit
Accounting and Control
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
17 eerstejaars
64% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
  • We emphasise the importance of ethics and other social aspects of the profession.
  • We offer a nice blend of technical skills that are always fuelled and supported by academic research and developments.
  • This programme distinctly lays a good foundation for students desiring to become chartered accountants and controllers, both in the Netherlands and abroad.
8/30 Radboud Universiteit
International Economics and Development
€ 315 gemiddelde kamerhuur
17 eerstejaars
64% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
The Master's specialisation International Economics and Development is theoretically unique in that we not only deal with the problems that poor countries face, but also with interesting new developments taking place in the Global South. We will discuss the rise of the BRIC countries, concentrating on both the potential they have as well as the challenges they face
9/30 Maastricht University
€ 308 gemiddelde kamerhuur
14 eerstejaars
35% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
10/30 Amsterdam UVA
Markets & Regulation
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
61 eerstejaars
39% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
  • Six specialisation tracks to choose from. Giving you the chance to tailor the programme and make a mark on your CV.
  • Best career prospects of any economics discipline. Out of all economics graduates in the Netherlands, UvA alumni earn the highest salary.
  • Putting theory into practice with guest lectures from field experts.
  • The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is consistently ranked among the world's best universities in global rankings.
11/30 Amsterdam UVA
Behavioural Economics and Game Theory
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
61 eerstejaars
39% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
12/30 Amsterdam UVA
Public Policy
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
61 eerstejaars
39% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
  • Six specialisation tracks to choose from. Giving you the chance to tailor the programme and make a mark on your CV.
  • Best career prospects of any economics discipline. Out of all economics graduates in the Netherlands, UvA alumni earn the highest salary.
  • Putting theory into practice with guest lectures from field experts.
  • The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is consistently ranked among the world's best universities in global rankings.
13/30 Amsterdam UVA
International Economics and Globalisation
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
61 eerstejaars
39% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
  • Six specialisation tracks to choose from. Giving you the chance to tailor the programme and make a mark on your CV.
  • Best career prospects of any economics discipline. Out of all economics graduates in the Netherlands, UvA alumni earn the highest salary.
  • Putting theory into practice with guest lectures from field experts.
  • The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is consistently ranked among the world's best universities in global rankings.
14/30 Amsterdam UVA
Development Economics
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
61 eerstejaars
39% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
  • Six specialisation tracks to choose from. Giving you the chance to tailor the programme and make a mark on your CV.
  • Best career prospects of any economics discipline. Out of all economics graduates in the Netherlands, UvA alumni earn the highest salary.
  • Putting theory into practice with guest lectures from field experts.
  • The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is consistently ranked among the world's best universities in global rankings.
15/30 Amsterdam UVA
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
133 eerstejaars
38% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
  • Six specialisation tracks to choose from. Giving you the chance to tailor the programme and make a mark on your CV.
  • Best career prospects of any economics discipline. Out of all economics graduates in the Netherlands, UvA alumni earn the highest salary.
  • Putting theory into practice with guest lectures from field experts.
  • The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is consistently ranked among the world's best universities in global rankings.
16/30 Amsterdam UVA
Monetary Policy & Banking
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
61 eerstejaars
39% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Nederlandstalig
  • Six specialisation tracks to choose from. Giving you the chance to tailor the programme and make a mark on your CV.
  • Best career prospects of any economics discipline. Out of all economics graduates in the Netherlands, UvA alumni earn the highest salary.
  • Putting theory into practice with guest lectures from field experts.
  • The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is consistently ranked among the world's best universities in global rankings.
17/30 Tilburg University
Public Policy
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
18/30 Tilburg University
Sustainable Development
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
19/30 Tilburg University
Behavioral Economics
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
20/30 Tilburg University
Competition and Regulation
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
21/30 Tilburg University
Financial Economics
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
22/30 Tilburg University
Data Science
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
23/30 Tilburg University
€ 253 gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
24/30 Amsterdam VU
Market Analytics
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
25/30 Amsterdam VU
€ 424 gemiddelde kamerhuur
11 eerstejaars
63% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
100% Engelstalig
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
26/30 Amsterdam VU
Development Economics
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
27/30 Amsterdam VU
Labour and Health
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
28/30 Amsterdam VU
Global Challenges
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
29/30 Amsterdam VU
International and Macroeconomic Policy
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
30/30 Amsterdam VU
Public Policy
gemiddelde kamerhuur
? eerstejaars
NAN% vrouw
? uur contacttijd/week
geen unieke kenmerken opgegeven door opleiding
disclaimer: bovenstaande cijfers en beoordelingen zijn aangeleverd door de opleidingen zelf. Wij kunnen de juistheid niet garanderen.

Studenten aan het woord

Radboud Universiteit
Mariëtte Kaandorp
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Christiaan Pattipeilohy
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam