bachelors . nl

Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory  voltijd opleiding


The Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory master's specialisation spans both theory and the world of algorithms and applications. The courses are directly related to our research.

The Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory master's specialisation focuses on geometry and number theory, a very large area ranging from discrete dynamical systems and analytic number theory to arithmetic and algebraic geometry. There is a strong emphasis on algebraic methods and a direct interest in the computational aspects of the theory. The programme also has a cryptology component. Leiden offers courses at an advanced level ranging over topics such as algebraic number theory, algebraic geometry and cryptology.

The research specialisation is aimed at students who wish to acquire a profound knowledge of one of the areas within pure mathematics. There is a strong theme dealing with algebra and number theory as well as a strong theme dealing with topology and geometry. The master's specialisation Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory is an ideal basis for a career in academia, starting for example with one of our PhD programmes.

Meer over deze opleiding


The Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory specialisation offers you the opportunity to spend two full years on training in research to develop a thorough theoretical basis and become an independent scientist.

We offer a wide range of courses, in combination with the national master's courses. For example, every year we offer three courses in algebraic geometry (on varieties, on schemes, and on advanced topics), as well as courses on elliptic curves, algebraic number theory, commutative algebra, algebraic topology, cryptology, Diophantine approximation, modular forms, and more. This is in addition to courses that are not offered every year, but in response to requests from the students. Ultimately, if you are interested in a topic that lies somewhere within Algebra, Geometry and Number theory, then it is pretty certain you will find at least one course on it.

It is compulsory that at least 30 EC are obtained from courses from the national master programme in mathematics (Mastermath).

Curriculum - opbouw van de opleiding


  • individuele opdracht
  • hoorcollege
  • literatuurstudie
  • mondelinge presentatie
  • onderzoeksproject
  • zelfstudie
  • seminar
  • werkgroep

Soortgelijke studies

1 / 10
Universiteit Leiden
Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory
€ 595/maandgem. kamerhuur LEIDEN in 2023
deze opleiding
2 / 10
Universiteit Leiden
3 / 10
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
€ 514/maandgem. kamerhuur Groningen in 2023
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4 / 10
Radboud Universiteit
€ 495/maandgem. kamerhuur Nijmegen in 2023
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5 / 10
Universiteit van Amsterdam
6 / 10
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
€ 697/maandgem. kamerhuur AMSTERDAM in 2023
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7 / 10
Universiteit Leiden
Mathematics: Applied Mathematics
€ 595/maandgem. kamerhuur LEIDEN in 2023
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8 / 10
Universiteit Leiden
Mathematics: Mathematics and Business Studies
€ 595/maandgem. kamerhuur LEIDEN in 2023
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9 / 10
Universiteit Leiden
Mathematics: Mathematics and Education (NL)
€ 595/maandgem. kamerhuur LEIDEN in 2023
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10 / 10
Universiteit Leiden
Mathematics: Mathematics and Science Communication and Society
€ 595/maandgem. kamerhuur LEIDEN in 2023
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Toelatingseisen Mathematics: Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory

Meer over toelating

Na deze opleiding

Waar word je voor opgeleid

The Master's specialisation Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory is an ideal basis for a career in academia, starting for example with one of our PhD programmes. Also for those students switching to business there are many possibilities: our graduates find jobs in banks, insurance and option trading companies, communication and information technology, industry, and logistics.

Aansluitende masteropleidingen

RUGDDM Sustainable Urban and Regional Development double degree geen aanvullende eisen
ErasmusHistory geen aanvullende eisen
RUGJournalism (English taught) geen aanvullende eisen
NHL StendenMaster Health Innovation geen aanvullende eisen
NHL StendenMaster Health Innovation part-time geen aanvullende eisen
NyenrodeMaster of Science in Management (full-time) geen aanvullende eisen
RUGMidden-Oostenstudies geen aanvullende eisen
NHL StendenStrategische Communicatie geen aanvullende eisen
AvansAnimation - Master+ aanv. eisen
RUGArchaeology research+ aanv. eisen
RUGDatafication and Digital Literacy+ 30 EC pre-master
RUGDDM Urban Planning, Environment and Infrastructure double degree+ aanv. eisen
RUGDDM Urban Planning, Society and Sustainability+ aanv. eisen
RUGDeafblindness+ 60 EC pre-master
RUGDeafblindness part-time+ 60 EC pre-master
AvansEcology Futures - Master uitstroomprofiel+ aanv. eisen
RUGEthics of Education: History, Pedagogy and Critical Sociology+ aanv. eisen
RUGEthics of Education: History, Pedagogy and Critical Sociology part-time+ aanv. eisen
AvansHealth by Design - Master uitstroomprofiel+ aanv. eisen
RUGJournalistiek (NL)+ aanv. eisen
Universiteit LeidenLeraar VHO in Wiskunde

Voor toelating is naast een afgeronde universitaire bachelor een universitaire master vereist. 

Kijk voor volledige de toelatingseisen op de website:

Universiteit LeidenLeraar VHO in Wiskunde part-time

Voor toelating is naast een afgeronde universitaire bachelor een universitaire master vereist. 

Kijk voor volledige de toelatingseisen op de website:

Amsterdam UVALerarenopleiding Wiskunde + aanv. eisen
Amsterdam UVALerarenopleiding Wiskunde part-time + aanv. eisen
NHL StendenMaster Pedagogiek part-time+ aanv. eisen
AvansMaterials & Energy Transition - Master+ aanv. eisen
RUGMedia Creation and Innovation+ 30 EC pre-master
RUGMediastudies+ 60 EC pre-master
ErasmusParttime Master in Management part-time+ aanv. eisen
TU EindhovenScience Education and Communication: Leraar VHO Wiskunde educational
TU DelftSEC: Leraar VHO Wiskunde educational+ aanv. eisen
AvansSituated Design - Master uitstroomprofiel+ aanv. eisen
RUGSocial Media and Society+ 30 EC pre-master
NHL StendenSocial Work+ aanv. eisen
RUGSociologie+ 60 EC pre-master
AvansVisual Arts and Post-Contemporary Practice - Master uitstroomprofiel+ aanv. eisen
RUGYouth 0-21 Society and Policy+ aanv. eisen
RUGYouth 0-21 Society and Policy part-time+ aanv. eisen